Dr. Devjanani Raiguru
MBBS, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
MBBS, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Dr Devjanani Raiguru is highly experienced Consultant & HOD in Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology & Medical Superintendent. She has more than 5+ years of experience in this field provide advanced treatment for Gynaecological surgeries like ovarian cystectomy, interval sterilization, diagnostic hystero laparoscopy and laparoscopic sterilization. She Performed more than 2000 vaginal deliveries. Proficient in instrument assisted deliveries i.e vacuum and forceps. Adequate experience in conducting vaginal breech deliveries and managing high risk obstetric cases. She has expertise in Infertility workup and management.
At SGK Hospitals we understand that each corporate wants to provide maximum benefits and privileges to its employee, especially in healthcare. In case of medical emergency every person wants to go to a hosptal which has empanellment either with the company he is working with or the TPA which adminsters his health insurance so that the best services can be provided to the ailing person without much hassel. So that you can choose the best in healthcare, without worrying about the costs.