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Asthma Treatment in Jaipur, Rajasthan

Get Asthma Treatment in Jaipur at SGK (Multispeciality Hospital in Jaipur), Our pulmonologists provide effective treatment for Asthma patients at the best cost. Get diagnosis and treatment with proper care.

About Asthma Treatment in Jaipur

Asthma is a long-term medical condition that affects the lungs. It can be caused by different things, but the most common cause is air pollution. When people have asthma, they may have difficulty breathing because their airways become narrowed. This can make it hard for them to breathe and make it difficult to work or play.

It can be caused by a virus, exercise, smoke, or other environmental factors. There are many ways to treat asthma, but most people need medication to help them breathe easily and safely. If left untreated, asthma can lead to anemia, coughing, and pneumonia.

Allergy Treatment
24/7 Hours Service

Types of Asthma

There are different types of asthma and the most common type is bronchial asthma. It is responsible for affecting the bronchi present in the lungs.

There are more chances of childhood asthma as well. It is the condition in which the onset of asthma takes place in childhood. Some other specific types of asthma

  • Allergic asthma
  • Nocturnal asthma
  • Aspirin-induced asthma
  • Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction
  • Cough variant asthma
  • Non-allergic asthma
  • Occupational asthma

The type of asthma a person suffering from decides the symptoms they will experienc e. It is important to reach the doctor and get the diagnosis to get the right treatment timely!

Why Choose SGK Hospital ?

Diagnostic Backup

Diagnostic Backup

The hospital has a well-equipped in–house diagnostic facility available under the supervision of a highly qualified and dedicated medical specialist.

24 Hrs. Drug Store

24 Hrs. Drug Store

The hospital has a well-stocked drug store, within the premises, catering to the needs of the patient.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

To cater to serious patients we have a well-equipped ICU with modern gadgets like ventilators, BiPAP, ABG, Infusion pump, defibrillators, and Multipara Monitors.

Labor Room and Operation Theater

Labor Room and Operation Theater

The hospital has air-conditioned well equipped 2 Modular Operation Theater and 1 labor room having all advanced facilities for deliveries.

Opening Hours:

At SGK Hospital we identify ourselves foremost as a healing home and then a hospital ensuring that anyone who visits us receive the best care that they deserve.

  • Opening hours- 24/7 service
  • OPD- Morning : 10:00AM To 02:00PM
    Evening: By Prior Appointment

Causes of Asthma

There is not only one cause responsible for asthma but there is a combination of different factors that can cause it. The common causes are



If a person is having a history of asthma there are more chances for them to get it.

viral infection

History of viral infection

So many people around who are more prone to viral infection. If an individual hits in the category of people having a history of viral infection in childhood, there are more chances for them to suffer from asthma in adulthood.

Immunity in childhood

Immunity in childhood

People who are having weak immunity systems in childhood usually experience the conditions and especially asthma. Their immunity system is not in the state to fight off the infection that's why the condition gets worse with time and leads to asthma.

Causes of Asthma
Symptoms of Asthma

Symptoms of Asthma

There are so many symptoms of asthma that person experiences. The most common symptom is wheezing or a whistling sound while breathing. Along with that, the symptoms include

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety issues
  • Difficulty in talking
  • Coughing especially at night
  • Coughing while exercising
  • Breathlessness issues
  • Chest tightness

Note:-The condition of every individual is different that's why the symptoms that they experience are not particular. The exact condition can be diagnosed after reaching out to the doctor only.

Diagnosis of Asthma

Diagnosis of Asthma

When you reached out to the doctor for a diagnosis of asthma there are different techniques or test options that they consider. This includes

Asthma Treatment
in Jaipur

When you reach out to the doctor for asthma treatment in Jaipur, doctor let you know about the two aspects of the treatment. The first aspect covers all the information regarding getting relief from asthma symptoms or an asthma attack and the second aspect covers the information that can help you to deal with the effects in long term.

Along with that, a patient needs to be sure when they can deal with asthma symptoms on their own and when they need to reach out to a doctor for treatment.

24/7 Hours Service

Asthma medication

Asthma medications are available that can save the lives of individuals and help them to live an active life. The medications are of two types including steroids and other inflammatory drugs and bronchodilators.

Both the medications are helpful in relieving asthma by relaxing the tight muscles and the Airways. These are also helpful in reducing inflammation. People will be able to deal with the symptoms as soon as they start taking the medication.

Asthma inhaler

Inhalers are in use to deliver the medication to the lungs and are among the most common and best way to deal with asthma. There are different types of inhalers available on market and as per the type a person is dealing with doctors suggest the same.

Asthma Nebulizer

Asthma nebulizer is in use for all those people who experience a problem carrying the inhalers. The machine is fitted with a mask and is typically in use for infants and older people who experience difficulty in breathing. The Nebulizer is helpful in converting the drug from liquid to steam and the drug directly reaches the lungs within a few minutes.

Prevention of Asthma

There are several tips that people can consider to prevent asthma. This includes

Stay in Clean surroundings

Stay in Clean surroundings

Be sure to stay in the surroundings where you can avoid the triggers including chemicals or products that may lead to breathing problems in the past to you. If you are staying in surroundings with triggers your condition may get worse with time.

Reduce exposure to allergens

Reduce exposure to allergens

If you are aware of the allergens then try to avoid exposure to them. For example, some people experience problems when coming in contact with dust. That's why they avoid going into surroundings where dust is already accumulated.

Take allergy shots

Take allergy shots

Allergen immunotherapy is a treatment helpful in replacing the immunity system and your body will become less sensitive to triggers and encounter asthma.

Take preventive medication

Take preventive medication

As per the condition of the individual doctor suggest medications and it is advisable to take them on time.

complications Asthma

Complications of Asthma

There are several complications that individual experiences when dealing with asthma. This includes

  • The symptoms they are experiencing interfere with their regular Lifestyle, especially with work and sleep.
  • People need to take frequent breaks from their work when the condition of asthma gets worse.
  • The treatment for short-term and long asthma is different and complications may arise in both cases.
  • Sometimes emergency situation also arises that call the need to read out the doctor right away and hospitalization as well.
  • In asthma permanent dilation of the brachial tubes take place which leads to breathing problem.

How common is Asthma in India?

Asthma condition is quite common in India and there is no doubt that a large number of people are suffering from it. It usually happens because people avoid the triggers and do not pay attention to their condition. The condition of asthma turns out to be a stigma among people still in India. That's why they still refrained to reach out to the doctor and get the treatment.

Many people are considering inhalers on a long-term basis after getting diagnosed with asthma. But in some cases, the inhalers are not as useful as people experience and ultimately their irresponsive behavior cost their life.

Common Asthma

Why Choose SGK Hospital for Asthma Treatment in Jaipur?

If you are dealing with asthma and have no idea where you can go then visit us at SGK Hospital in Jaipur. We are a team of professionals having years of experience in treating people dealing with asthma. You just need to let us know and follow the recommendations we are giving and for sure within no time you will be able to get rid of the condition. It is important for you to take the medication timely because avoiding medication can put you at the risk to suffer from other complications!


Diagnosis of Asthma

Frequently Asked Questions

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The treatment for asthma depends on the type of asthma a person is suffering from. But in major cases, doctors suggest patients go for inhaled corticosteroids as these medications are helpful in controlling asthma.

In general medicines and allergens turned out to be the main cause of asthma.

If you are experiencing symptoms like shortness of breath and chest tightness it is important to go for diagnosis as these are the common signs with it.

Asthma cough has a high pitch wheezed sound that takes place due to constricted Airways.

An asthma attack usually lasts from a few minutes to hours.


At SGK Hospitals we understand that each corporate wants to provide maximum benefits and privileges to its employee, especially in healthcare. In case of medical emergency every person wants to go to a hosptal which has empanellment either with the company he is working with or the TPA which adminsters his health insurance so that the best services can be provided to the ailing person without much hassel. So that you can choose the best in healthcare, without worrying about the costs.