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A World Class Multi Super-Speciality
Hospital in Jaipur

SGK Hospital Research Center is a multi super-specialty hospital in Jaipur with world-class infrastructure which provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services. Since its inception, SGK has been providing complete medical care to its patients, which includes outpatient services, neurosciences, gastro science, renal science, cardiology, orthopedics, and joint replacement, and much more.

We always put patients first, and every department guides the patient with the best care to deliver the best results. We always prioritize patient comfort and convenience at each stage of their journey.

We always follow a methodology to make the patient experience as seamless as possible, from appointment booking to discharge. We share all the necessary information with the patient and their family which will help them make their decision faster.

Successful Surgery


Successful Surgery

Patients Satisfied


Patients Satisfied




Laboratory Experts


experts Dotors




What Does SGK Hospital Do?

SGK Hospital Jaipur is one of the leading multi super-specialty healthcare providers in Jaipur, serving both Indian and foreign patients. The hospital covers a full range of preventive and curative patient care. It is a pioneer in technological advancement in the medical world and makes it one of the top hospitals in Jaipur. It has been a pioneer in medical excellence in Rajasthan and has contributed immensely to the region's emergence as a leading name in the field of healthcare. Over the years, we have focused on the delivery of tertiary care treatments, and the quality aspect of healthcare services has also been made synonymous with quality health services in the region.

We regard our hospital as the highest organization of excellence in providing high quality and advanced health care services and surgical techniques at an affordable cost to all sections of society in Pulmonology, Urology, Gynecology, Orthopedic, Neurosurgery, ENT, and all Cancer, Plastic and Reconstructive surgeries. see as. We aim to make SGK Hospital a premier training institute in Interventional Pulmonology and Laparoscopic Surgery.


- :सुविधाएँ:-

  • दूरबीन द्वारा फेफड़ों की जाँच (ब्रोंकोस्कोपी एवं थोरेकोस्कॉपी)
  • द्वारा फेफड़ों की क्षमता की जाँच (स्पाईरोमीटरी)
  • सभी प्रकार की एलर्जी की जाँच
  • अस्थमा एवं COPD के कारण श्वास लेने की समस्या
  • जुकाम के कारण नाक का बंद रहना
  • नाक बहने एवं नाक की एलर्जी का ईलाज
  • सभी प्रकार के हड्डी के आपरेशन
  • घुटने एवं कुल्हे की हड्डी का रिप्लेसमेन्ट (TKR - THR)
  • दूरबीन द्वारा गुर्दे की पथरी (PCNL) एवं यूरेटर की पथरी (URSL) का ईलाज
  • डायलिसिस एवं यूरोफ्लेामीटरी की सुविधा
  • सभी प्रकार के केंसर का कीमोथैरेपी द्वारा ईलाज
  • बीपी, डायबिटीज, थाॅयराइड, मोटापा, स्ट्रोक का ईलाज

Drop us Message for any Query

Contact Us

Let’s Get in Touch

At SGK Hospital we identify ourselves foremost as a healing home and then a hospital ensuring that anyone who visits us receive the best care that they deserve. Book an appointment now at below contact details.

  • Opening hours 24/7 Service
  • OPD Morning : 10:00AM To 02:00PM
    Evening: By Prior Appointment

Our Advanced Facilities

Operation Theatre

x-ray room

medical store

ambulance Service

Private Labour Room

operation room

Modular OT



The Main Reason For Your Choice Is Our Best Service

// FAQ’S //

Helping Patients From Around the Globe!


At SGK Hospitals we understand that each corporate wants to provide maximum benefits and privileges to its employee, especially in healthcare. In case of medical emergency every person wants to go to a hosptal which has empanellment either with the company he is working with or the TPA which adminsters his health insurance so that the best services can be provided to the ailing person without much hassel. So that you can choose the best in healthcare, without worrying about the costs.